One thing about travel is that you find yourself in places where new strains of viruses and bacteria eagerly await your unprepared immune system. They welcome tourists as surely as souvenir sellers. So it is for the past five days I’ve been playing host to a virulent little bugger endearingly and locally known as ‘The Cyprus Virus’. This little invader succeeded in bringing me low but my fever finally broke and I’m now thankfully on my way to recovery. It’ll still take a couple of days. My friends Jim and Hawley have been patient and caring hosts, navigating me through my illness. It’s good having friends in faraway places. Meanwhile, a storm hit Kyrenia last night. I was woken at about 7:00 am by a terrific explosion of thunder that reverberated all along the coast under the slopes of the Pentadactylos Range. The picture above is from the balcony, north towards the Karamanian Sea, the storm dissipating slowly. And me, back to bed.