Sant’ Apollinaire, Ravenna

The semi-dome of the church of Sant’ Apollinaire in Classe,  just outside the modern city of Ravenna, is a wonder and could be my favorite single mosaic work (use your browser’s ‘back’ button to return to this site). In terms of size it’s big, rivaling some of the apse mosaics in the early Christian churches of Rome. But the colour is the real attraction: a lovely green creating a verdant landscape of paradise, which Saint Apollinaire, in the center, seems to welcome you to with open arms. The springtime landscape is filled with sheep (i.e. Christians) who line up to enter. All about are plants and trees, and birds can be found scattered everywhere. Above, a great cross floats in a blue heaven with golden stars. At the very apex the hand of god comes out of a cloud to bless Apollinaire. The whole scene glows with life and freshness, something I’ve never seen in any other mosaic.