The disc-shaped leaves of this succulent, which I found happily growing in a pot near Valencia, were tightly clustered and had a wonderful red tinge along the edges. I’m not a botanist, but I think it’s a Kalanchoe thyrsiflora, otherwise known, for obvious reasons, as the ‘flapjacks plant’. I’m more likely to remember the latter. I love succulents, and the only garden I ever had was when I was a graduate student living at 18 West Islay Street in Santa Barbara between 1990 and 1995. Four art history graduate students lived there and we made the most of it. I cultivated a little plot, but we were right in the middle of a drought in the early 1990s, so wanted to keep the water usage down. I collected lots of cuttings from various succulents and they flourished, even in poor soil. I’d bring home rocks and had quite a nice garden after a year or so. I was sad to leave it. Hopefully, someone kept it up. Whenever I’m traveling and I see a beautiful succulent plant I’m reminded of my little garden years ago.