This morning I took the train to Pozzuoli to see the Solfatara, the calderas of old fumaroles and volcanos created by the same geological forces that created nearby Mount Vesuvius. The yellow and orange are deposits of sulfur and other minerals, the stones too hot to touch. According to mythology, this very place was the home of the Roman god of fire, Vulcan. A couple of volcanologists were there with their equipment taking measurements. Of what I haven’t a clue, but it was interesting to watch them work, sticking tubes in the steam vents and injecting fluids. They were like volcano doctors probing their patient. The Solfatara is inside a larger geological area called the ‘Campi Flegri’ or ‘Phlegraean Fields’, known to volcanologists the world over. I wish I had a scooter to go around and explore the area, which consists of several calderas. Maybe next time.